R&R Mexican Style
I’m back from a couple weeks in the Mayan and its funny just how a couple weeks back into the grind can make such a great escape seem like a distant memory. The weather hasn’t helped. Its been the 3rd coldest winter here in Winnipeg in the last century. I guess without experiencing some pain we wouldn’t know what pleasure is like – at least that’s what I’ll keep telling myself.
The trip to the Mayan was nice this year as I went with a buddy from work and we rented a condo. I had a relative join us the second week, and we had 4 other friends down there at the time – a couple vacationing, and two friends that live in Playa Del Carmen. It was nice to always have people that were around and up for doing something.
After have been several times over the past few years, I found I didn’t really take the camera out as much and enjoyed it more from the point of returning to a comfortable surrounding as opposed to one where every scene was new.
That said it was a great time to recharge and I can’t wait to start planning my next get away!